Workshops: Saturday, July 7, 2001
Tutorials: Sunday, July 8, 2001
Regular Sessions, Poster sessions, and Late-Breaking Papers:
Monday-Wednesday, July 9-11, 2001

A recombination of the Sixth Annual Genetic Programming Conference (GP-2001) and the International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA-2001)
See the latest in YOUR favorite branch of Evolutionary Computation, AND explore developments in other, related tracks

Please note: ROOM AT THE INN!
There are still some rooms available at the conference headquarters, the Holiday Inn Golden Gateway Hotel, for GECCO-2001 participants, at the special conference rate! If you want the convenience of staying right at the conference hotel, please call/fax/reserve them immediately, before the rooms are all booked.

click here to see it in a printer friendly format

Deadline for regular papers was
Jan. 24, 2001

(Deadline, May 28, 2001)
now available HERE

Instructions for Camera-Ready Formatting and Submission of Accepted Papers
and Poster Abstracts are at:

Graduate Student Workshop International Workshop on Learning Classifier Systems Additional Information Hotel and Local Arrangements Workshops Free Tutorials Planned Special Program Tracks Submitting Papers Committees Keynote Speakers

GECCO 2001 presentation schedule is now available.

Visit the new page: discounts for ISGEC members

The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2001) will present the latest high-quality results in the growing field of genetic and evolutionary computation. Topics include, but are not limited to, genetic algorithms (GA); genetic programming (GP); evolution strategies (ES); evolutionary programming (EP); evolvable hardware (EH); evolutionary robotics (ER); real-world applications (RWA); classifier systems (CS); DNA, molecular and quantum computing (DNA); artificial life, adaptive behavior and agents (AAA); ant colony optimization (ACO); optimal design of engineered structures (ODES); methodology, pedagogy, and philosophy (MPP); evolutionary scheduling and routing (ESR), and other areas to be announced.

One Conference : Many “Mini-Conferences”

GECCO 2000 site
   GECCO 2002 site

(To read the PDF files, you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.
The link below will take you to the Adobe website where you can download the latest version.)
get acrobat reader

Registration        Keynote Speakers      Committees       Submitting Papers       Special Program Tracks
Free Tutorials Planned       Graduate Student Workshops       Workshops       IWLCS       Hotel and local Arrangements       Additonal Information

Copyright ©, 2000-2001. GECCO. All rights reserved. USA . Web programming and design: Gerardo Valencia & Gabriela Coronado