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Books by ISGEC members

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        Riccardo Poli, William B. Langdon and Nicholas F. McPhee with contributions by John R. Koza.
A Field Guide to Genetic Programming . Lulu Enterprises, UK Ltd (March 26, 2008) ISBN 978-1409200734
      Riccardo Poli, William B. Langdon, Nicholas F. McPhee (with contributions from John R. Koza)
A Field Guide to Genetic Programming
ISBN 978-1-4092-0073-4 (250 pages, 6" x 9", softcover)
The book's PDF is freely available from
      Conrad, Michael.
Adaptability: The Significance of Variability from Molecule to Ecosystem. 1983, Plenum Press. ISBN: 0306412233
       Kargupta,Hillol (Editor), Chan, Philip (Editor)
Advances in Distributed and Parallel Knowledge Discovery. 2000. MIT Press; ISBN:0262611554
       Spector, Lee (Editor), Langdon, William B. (Editor), O' Reilly,Una-May, Angeline, Peter J.(Editor), Oreilly, Una-May (Editor)
Advances in Genetic Programming (Complex Adaptive Systems Series) 1999. MIT Press; ISBN: 0262194236
       Patel,Mukesh (Editor), Honavar,Vasant (Editor), Balakrishnan,Karthik (Editor), Patel,mu.
Advances in the Evolutionary Synthesis of Intelligent Agents. 2001. MIT Press; ISBN: 0262162016

      Coley, David A.
An introduction to Genetic Algorithms for Scientists and Engineers. 1998. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company, Incorporated. Pub. Date: October 1998 Edition Desc: BK&DISK. ISBN: 9810236026
      Dorigo, Marco and Stützle,Thomas
Ant Colony Optimization 2004. MIT Press, ISBN 0-262-04219-3
        Butz, Martin V.
Anticipatory Learning Classifier Systems (Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation, 4). 2002. Kluwer Academic Publishers; ISBN: 0792376307
       Spector, Lee
Automatic Quantum Computer Programming. A Genetic Programming Approach. 2004. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN 1-4020-7894-3.
      Drechsler, Rolf , Becker, Bernd.
Binary Decision Diagrams: Theory and Implementation. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht.1998. ISBN: 0792381939.
    Freitas, Alex A.
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery with Evolutionary Algorithms. Springer Verlag; 2002. ISBN: 3540433317

      Wong, Man Leung
Data Mining Using Gammar Based Genetic Programming and Applications. 2000. Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN: 079237746X

     Cantu-Paz, Erick
Efficient and Accurate Parallel Genetic Algorithms (Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation Volume 1). 2000. Kluwer Academic Pub; ISBN: 0792372212
      Holland, John H.
Emergence: From Chaos to Order. 1999, Addison-Wesley. Perseus Pr; ISBN: 0738201421
       Forrest, Stephanie (Ed.)
Emergent Computation : Self-Organizing, Collective, and Cooperative Phenomena in Natural and Artificial Computing Networks (Special Issues of Physic). 1991. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. ISBN: 0262560577
(This title is out of print. Although it is no longer available from the publisher, Amazon can query it's network of used bookstores for you and send an update within one to two weeks.)
     Sipper, Moshe
Evolution of Parallel Cellular Machines: The Cellular Programming Approach.
1997, Springer Verlag; ISBN: 3540626131
  Evolutionary Algorithms for Constrained Optimization Problems    Gottlieb, Jens
Evolutionary Algorithms for Constrained Optimization Problems. Shaker. Aachen. 2000. ISBN: 3826577833. (Amazon's German site)
        Coello Coello,Carlos A., Van Veldhuizen, Dave A. and Lamont,Gary B.
Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Multi-Objective Problems. Kluwer Academic Publishers. May2002. ISBN 0306467623.
      Drechsler, Rolf.
Evolutionary Algorithm in VLSI CAD. Kluwer Academic Publisher. Dordrecht.1998
ISBN: 0792381688
       Spears, William M.
Evolutionary Algorithms : The Role of Mutation and Recombination. Springer Verlag; 2000 ISBN: 3540669507
   Parmee, Ian C.
Evolutionary and Adaptive Computing in Engineering Design. Springer Verlag; 2001 ISBN: 1852330295
     Garcia Almanza, A.L. and Tsang, E.P.K.
Evolutionary Applications for Financial Prediction:
Classification Methods to Gather Patterns Using Genetic Programming
. VDM Verlag, 2011. ISBN-10: 3639307674 - ISBN-13: 978-3639307672
     De Jong, Kenneth A.
Evolutionary Computation. A Unified Approach. MIT Press; 2006. ISBN 0262041944
   Branke, Jurgen
Evolutionary Optimization in Dynamic Environments (Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation, 3). Kluwer Academic Publishers; Boston, 2001 ISBN: 0792376315
      Mattfeld, Dirk C.
Evolutionary Search and the Job Shop: Investigations on Genetic Algorithms for Production Scheduling. March 1996, Springer/Physica Heidelberg. ISBN: 3790809179
(This title is out of print. Although it is no longer available from the publisher, Amazon can query it's network of used bookstores for you and send an update within one to two weeks.)
      Angelov, P.P.
Evolving Rule-Based Models: A Tool for Design of Flexible Adaptive Systems. 2002. Springer, Physica-Verlag, ISBN: 3790814571
      Langdon, W. B., Poli, Riccardo
Foundations of Genetic Programming. Springer Verlag Pub (Computer Bks); 2002 ISBN: 3540424512

   Bridget Hallam, Dario Floreano, John Hallam, Gillian Hayes and Jean-Arcady Meyer, (Editors)
From animals to animats 7 .Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior . 2002. MIT Press; ISBN: 0262582171
     Geyer-Schulz, Andreas
Fuzzy Rule-Based Expert Systems and Genetic Machine Learning (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Vol 3). Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1997 2nd revised edition, volume3, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing .ISBN: 3790809640
Fuzzy Systems Design and Applications. 2003, Physica Verlag; ISBN: 3790815373

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