that all papers accepted for publication in the Late Breaking
Papers book must also be presented at GECCO-2002. At least one
author of each Late Breaking Paper must register for GECCO-2002,
or the paper will not appear in the Late Breaking Papers volume.
The preferred procedure is for one or more authors to register
before submitting the Late Breaking Paper, or to submit their
registration form and payment together with the Late Breaking
Paper. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection on
June 5, and will have until June 10 to have the AAAI receive the
registration form and payment, or the paper will not appear in
the special volume.
Late-breaking papers will be briefly examined for relevance and
minimum standards of acceptability, but will not be peer reviewed
in detail. Authors will individually retain copyright (and all
other rights) to their late-breaking papers and should feel free
to submit them (either before or after the above deadline) for
publication by other conferences or journals.
Late-breaking papers must be submitted in camera-ready form in
accordance with the camera-ready GECCO-2002 format specifications
that can be found here. Late-breaking
papers should be no more than EIGHT (8) pages in length. Please
send TWO camera-ready copies (printed with very high quality by
laser printer) and the SIGNED "permission to publish"
form that can be downloaded here to:
Late-Breaking Papers American Association for Artificial Intelligence
445 Burgess Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA
PHONE: 415-328-3123
No FAX or E-mail submissions can be accepted.
Submission deadline: June 3, 2002
Notification to authors: June 5, 2002
Registration deadline (for LBP authors): June 10, 2002
there will be no opportunity for revisions, authors should be
especially careful that their original submission is fully compliant
with all requirements above.
read the "permission to publish" file, you must have
the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.The link below
will take you to the Adobe website where you can download the
latest version.)