The submission deadline for regular papers has passed.

You can still send your contribution as a Late Breaking Paper or, if the paper describes your experiences on applying EC in industry, to the Evolutionary Computation in Industry track.

Best Application papers from the RWA Track will be invited to submit a revised and enhanced version of the paper to the 'Applied Soft Computing' Journal. The papers will be reviewed on a 'fast track' basis. The Journal website:

Paper submission deadline is January 23, 2002. See below for details.

Original call for papers

PDF format
(1.3 Mb)
available HERE
txt format available HERE

Formatting Instructions and Templates.
Please make sure you anonymize your submission as described below.
  1. A LaTeX style file with an example of its use
  2. A LaTeX2e style file
  3. For MS Word, a template and the formatting instructions
  4. The formatting instructions in postscript
  5. The formatting instructions in PDF
Discounts for ISGEC members Registration Keynote Speakers Committees Submitting Papers Program Tracks Free Tutorials Planned Workshops Hotel and Local Arrangements Additional Information Evolutionary Computing in Industry Graduate Student Workshop
DRAFTS of review forms and instructions for reviewers.
These are provided to give authors information about the review criteria.

The purpose of this form is to give authors the opportunity to comment on the quality of the reviews they received for their submissions to GECCO 2002.


The deadline for ARRIVAL at the physical address below of the eight(8) paper copies of each submitted paper is WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23,2002. The address is GECCO-2002, c/o AAAI, 445 Burgess Drive, MenloPark, CA 94025, USA. Phone 650-328-3123.

Submitted papers are to be in single-spaced, 10-point type on 8-1/2" x11" OR A4 paper with 1" margins at top and 3/4" margin at left, right,and bottom, and are a maximum of eight (8) pages. Papers may not besubmitted by email or fax.
This year the review process is "double blind,"meaning that reviewers should not be able to infer the identities of the authors of the papers that they are reviewing (and, of course, that authors will not know the identities of their reviewers). Author names and affiliations must not appear on the normal "page 1" of submitted papers, but should appear instead on a separate first page to be removed by AAAI for the blind review process.

Each paper MUST include these 9 items:

1) - 6) on a single cover page NOT sent to reviewers. The next page begins a maximum total of eight (8) pages, containing, IN THIS ORDER: items 1) & 2) (repeated) and enough BLANK lines left for items 3) - 6); then items 7) - 9):
  1. the paper's category, chosen from one of the following alternatives:
    Genetic Algorithms;
    Genetic Programming;
    Evolvable Hardware;
    Learning Classifier Systems;
    Evolution Strategies;
    Evolutionary Programming;
    DNA and Molecular Computing;
    Real-World Applications;
    Artificial Life, Adaptive Behavior, Agents and Ant Colony Optimization;
    Evolutionary Robotics;
    Evolutionary scheduling and routing;
    Methodology, Pedagogy, and Philosophy;
    Search Based Software Engineering
    and such other categories as may be subsequently added on this web site.
  2. title of paper,
  3. author name(s),
  4. author physical address(es),
  5. author e-mail address(es),
  6. author phone number(s),
  7. a 50-200-word abstract of the paper (at beginning of paper),
  8. the text of the paper (including all figures, tables, acknowledgments, and appendices, if any), and
  9. references (cited).

Review criteria will include significance of the work, novelty, clarity, writing quality, and sufficiency of information to permit replication (if applicable). The first-named author (or other corresponding author designated by the authors when submitting) will be notified of acceptance or rejection (on approximately the first week of March 2002). It is preferred (but not required) that the format of submitted papers roughly follow the required format for final camera-ready papers. See above for the required style for the final camera-ready papers, which is identical to that of GECCO-2001.

Different numbers of pages may be allocated to accepted papers based on the policies of the various separate program tracks of the conference. The deadline for final camera-ready version of accepted papers will be announced (and will be approximately the first week of April, 2002). The conference proceedings will be published in book form distributed at the conference.

By submitting a paper, the author(s) agree that, if their paper is accepted, they will submit a final revised camera-ready version by the deadline for camera-ready papers (in early April, 2002), they will register at least one author by the deadline for camera-ready papers, and at least one author will attend and present the accepted paper at the conference.

The material in papers must represent substantially new work that has not been previously published by conferences, journals, or edited books in the evolutionary computation field.

GECCO permits a paper to be submitted that is substantially similar to a paper being contemporaneously submitted for review in another conference; however, if the submitted paper is accepted by the GECCO conference, the authors agree that substantially the same material will not be published by another conference in the evolutionary computation field. (Material may be later revised and submitted to a journal if permitted by the journal involved.).

(To read the PDF files, you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.The link below will take you to the Adobe website where you can download the latest version.)

get Adobe Acrobat

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