Evolutionary Computing in Industry

David Davis Rajkumar Roy

GECCO Track: ECI (invitation only track)
Deadline for submission: 1st May 2002
Submit the final manuscript to: Dr. David Davis
Max size of the paper: 8 pages
Format of the paper: GECCO standard.
Publication: A seperate proceedings for the track, and it will be distributed to all the participants of GECCO. But this book will not have ISBN number.

This special track provides a forum for practitioners to present their experiences on the application of evolutionary algorithms in industry. These papers will be evaluated by a separate program committee and published in a separate volume that will be distributed to the conference attendees.

Please notice: ECI Scheduling and Logistics session can be seen at:

Traditional research papers should be submitted to the RWA deme.

Discounts for ISGEC members Registration Keynote Speakers Committees Submitting Papers Program Tracks Free Tutorials Planned Workshops Hotel and Local Arrangements Additional Information Evolutionary Computing in Industry Graduate Student Workshop

E.C. I. includes the following track:

FIN, Financial Applications

David Leinweber, Mark Metcalf

Using evolutionary algorithms and related techniques to solve real problems in for investors and traders.

Formal papers are welcome, but definitely not required. We appreciate that active practititioners may not have the time or inclination to do this. We hope that enough can be said about worthy applications to stimulate interest without giving away the farm.

Interesting topics to be discussed

Forecasting of time series
Optimizing feature extraction for transaction cost control
Difficult multi-objective optimizations
Symbolic regressions
Evolutionary ideas in market microstructure models
Combinatoric markets

David Leinweber,,
Mark Metcalf,

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