The International Society for
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (ISGEC) sponsors
the annual GECCO conference as well as other GEC events around
the world.
addition to discounts on GECCO registration,
and free subscriptions to two journals:
1) Evolutionary
Computation, and
2) Genetic
Programming and Evolvable Machines,
ISGEC members are also eligible for discounts to two additional
journals -- the Journal
of Scheduling and the Journal
of Hydroinformatics.
Journal of Scheduling:
Announcing a Special Online Offer for ISGEC Members for the
Journal of Scheduling!
a unique, international forum for the publication of all forms
of scheduling oriented research, the Journal of Scheduling
Broad coverage of the techniques and applications of scheduling
across a variety of disciplines
Quality theoretical, experimental and applied research
The very latest computational and algorithmic advances
Solutions to real life scheduling problems
ISGEC members can take out an online subscription to the journal
for a specially reduced price. This price also includes online
access to all back issues published!
To find out more about the journal visit here
and view a sample copy online.
further information including how to subscribe, please contact
our journals administration department:
Tel: +44 (0) 1243 779777
Fax: +44 (0) 1243 843232
quote your ISGEC membership number in all correspondence.
of Hydroinformatics:
Special Discounted Rate on Journal
of Hydroinformatics has been negotiated for members of
ISGEC. For a reasonable fee you can get a subscription to
Journal of Hydroinformatics, published by IWA Publishing.
For more information click here:
or to subscribe contact IWA Publishing's distributor:
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