July 12-16, 2003. Chicago, Illinois, USA

Free Tutorials Planned
Sunday, July 13, will be filled with dozens of free tutorials from some of the world's foremost experts in several topics of interest to genetic and evolutionary computation researchers and practitioners.

(others to be announced)

Introductory Tutorials .

Genetic Algorithms

Robert Heckendorn
Genetic Programming John Koza
Evolution Strategies Hans-Paul Schwefel
Learning Classifier Systems Stewart Wilson
Genetics Annie S. Wu
Immune System Computing Stephanie Forrest
Ant Colony Optimization Martin Middendorf
Parallel Genetic Algorithms Erick Cantú-Paz
Data Mining and Machine Learning Hillol Kargupta
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Advanced Tutorials  
Genetic Programming Theory I & II W. Langdon, R. Poli
Mathematical Theory of EC Michael Vose
The Design of Innovation & Competent GAs David E. Goldberg
Testing & Evaluating EC Algorithms Darrell Whitley
Multiobjective Optimization with EC Carlos Coello
A Unified Approach to EC Ken DeJong
Computational Complexity and EC Ingo Wegener
Using Appropriate Statistics Steffan Christiensen
Neutral Evolution in EC Tina Yu
Evolvable Hardware Didier Keymeulen
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Tutorials on Specialized Techniques & Applications  
Anticipatory Classifier Systems Wolfgang Stolzman
Evolvable Hardware Applications Tetsuya Higuchi
Bionics: Building on Biological Evolution Ingo Rechenberg
Quantum Computing Lee Spector
Grammatical Evolution C. Ryan, M. O’Neill
Evolutionary Robotics Dario Floreano
Visualization in Evolutionary Computation Christian Jacob
Software Testing via EC J. Wegener, M. Harman
Making a Living with EC Yuval Davidor
Bioinformatics with EC Daniel Howard
Evolving Neural Network Ensembles Xin Yao
Representations for Evolutionary Algorithms Franz Rothlauf
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Copyright ©, 2002-2003. GECCO. All rights reserved. USA. Web programming and design: Gerardo Valencia & Gabriela Coronado
Additional Information Committees Discounts for ISGEC members Evolutionary Computing in Industry Free Tutorials Planned Graduate Student Workshop Hotel and Local Arrangements Keynote Speakers Program Tracks Registration Submitting Papers Workshops