22 , 2003 |
Paper and Title Page Submission Deadline |
27 , 2003 |
Paper and Title Page Submission Deadline
(if requested by AAAI) |
5, 2003 |
Author Notifications Sent |
4, 2003 |
Copy Deadline |
12-16, 2003 |
GECCO-2003 |
Each paper submitted to GECCO will be rigorously reviewed,
in a blind review process, by one of at least thirteen separate
and independent program committees specializing in various aspects
of genetic and evolutionary computation. These committees make
their own final decisions on submitted papers for their areas,
subject only to conference-wide space limitations and procedures.
Each track chair will nominate the best papers from their track
fo "Best paper of GECCO awards". GECCO attendees will
select the best papers by ballot during the conference. Some
of these papers will be invited to submit revised and extended
versions of their papers to a special issue of the Kluwer
Journal, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. These
papers will be reviewed on a 'fast track' basis."
Best Application papers from the RWA Track will be invited to
submit a revised and enhanced version of the paper to the 'Applied
Soft Computing' Journal.
The conference proceedings will be published in book form and
on CD-ROM and distributed at the conference.
The GECCO review process is "double blind," meaning
that reviewers should not be able to infer the identities of
the authors of the papers that they are reviewing (and, of course,
that authors will not know the identities of their reviewers).
for manuscripts submitted to GECCO 2003
paper MUST identify a category under which it will be reviewed.
Review categories include:
A-Life, Adaptive Behavior, Agents, and Ant Colony Optimization
- Artificial Immune Systems
- Coevolution
- DMQ, DNA, Molecular, and Quantum Computing
- Evolvable Hardware
- Evolutionary Robotics
- Evolution Strategies/Evolutionary Programming
- Evolutionary Scheduling Routing
- Genetic Algorithms
- Genetic Programming
- Learning Classifier Systems
- Real World Applications
- Search
Based Software Engineering
must submit electronic versions of their papers, as described
in the next paragraph. If the electronic version does not
print properly, authors will be immediated requested to submit
two hard copies of their papers. If requested, hardcopies
must arrive at the AAAI office no later than Monday, January
27, 2003. Hardcopy submissions are only required if the
electronic submission fails to print properly, as determined
by the AAAI. Authors may elect to send two hard copies at
the time of their electronic submission to avoid courier charges
or the risk of a submission arriving too late.
The address is:
c/o AAAI,
445 Burgess Drive,
MenloPark, CA 94025, USA.
Phone 650-328-3123.
are required to register on the GECCO-2003 paper submission
software at http://www.aaaiservices.org/ConfMaster/,and
to submit a formatted electronic version of their paper through
this software no later than Wednesday, January 22, 2003.
A login and password, as well as detailed instructions about
how to submit an electronic paper, will be sent to to the
author by email after registering with ConfMaster.
Paper Length and Format.
The electronic version must be a PDF or ps (Postscript)
file formatted for 8-1/2" x 11" US letter paper.
No electronic submissions formatted for A4 paper will be accepted
for review. All technical paper submissions must be formatted
according to the guidelines on the GECCO-2003 web site, and
must not exceed twelve formatted pages. Formatting
instructions can be read and downloaded here. In order
to make double blind reviewing possible, authors should omit
their names and affiliations from the paper. Also, while the
references should include all published literature relevant
to the paper, including previous works of the authors, it
should not include unpublished works. When referring to one's
own work, use the third person rather than the first person.
For example, say "Previously, Cantu-Paz [7] has shown
that...", rather than "In our previous work [7]
we have shown that...." Try to avoid including any information
in the body of the paper or references that would identify
the authors or their institutions. Such information can be
added to the final camera-ready version for publication.
Title Page. In addition
to two copies of the submitted paper, authors should submit
one copy of a separate title page, including the title of
the paper, the names and addresses of all authors, a short
abstract of less than 200 words, the track category, list
of acknowledgments (if any), and the following declaration:
"The author confirms that the material in papers represents
substantially new work that has not been previously published
by conferences, journals, or edited books in the evolutionary
computation field." This one page can be a printout
of the email sent to the author by the electronic submission
Submissions received after the deadlines or that do not meet
the length or formatting requirements detailed on the GECCO-2003
web site will not be accepted for review. Authors who do not
have access to the Web should contact AAAI at gecco@aaai.org
no later than January 15, 2003 for alternate submission instructions.
No email or fax submissions will be accepted.
Notification of receipt of the electronic paper will be mailed
to the first author (or designated author) soon after receipt.
If there are problems with the electronic submission, AAAI
will contact the primary author by email. The last day for
inquiries regarding lost submissions is January 31, 2003.
Authors without access to a WWW browser with forms support
should mail a printed title page to the American Association
for Artificial Intelligence, whose address is at the end of
this call. This title page must arrive no later than January
22, 2003, and should include all the information listed
in the "Title Page" paragraph below.
Review criteria will include significance of the work, novelty,
clarity, writing quality, and sufficiency of information to
permit replication (if applicable). The first-named author
(or other corresponding author designated by the authors when
submitting) will be notified of acceptance or rejection (on
approximately the first week of March 2003).
By submitting a paper, the author(s) agree that, if their
paper is accepted, they will submit a final revised camera-ready
version by the deadline for camera-ready papers (in early
April, 2003), they will register at least one author by the
deadline for camera-ready papers, and at least one author
will attend and present the accepted paper at the conference.
The material in papers must represent substantially new work
that has not been previously published by conferences, journals,
or edited books in the evolutionary computation field. GECCO
permits a paper to be submitted that is substantially similar
to a paper being submitted contemporaneously for review in
another conference or journal; however, if the submitted paper
is accepted by the GECCO conference, the authors agree that
substantially the same material will not be published by another
conference or journal in the evolutionary computation field.
(Material may be later revised and submitted to a journal
if permitted by the journal involved.)
The proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the
series Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Springer offers a 33% discount on their publications to authors
of accepted papers.
It will be possible to submit a late
breaking paper after the 22 Jan deadline for regular
Referees will evaluate submissions using a form similar to
this one
limited number of student travel
grants are available.
apply, please complete this
form and send by mail or fax to:
GECCO-2003 Student Travel Grants
c/o American Association for Artificial Intelligence
445 Burgess Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA
Fax: (650) 321-4457
you really want to get snazzy, you could create an online
form with the same info and email it to gecco@aaai.org