July 12-16, 2003. Chicago, Illinois, USA


Instructions for GECCO'2003
Workshop Organizers

The most important point is that the organisation of the workshop is entirely down to you. The next important point is that the deadlines are entirely down to us - and you MUST keep to them. The deadlines are reasonably long, but you should act quickly in order to give your participants enough time.

You should do the following now:

1. Organise and send out a Call for Participation

Using your proposal, you should be able to construct an appropriate call for participation pretty easily. If your workshop requires papers/posters/extended abstracts to be submitted and reviewed, you will need to call for these papers. If it does not, you will still need to start to let folk know about your workshop and issue a call for participation in the discussions.

You should organise the dates of your call so that you can conduct any review process, give out acceptance and rejection messages, and send a list of those who have been accepted to me by ***19th March 2003***. You should arrange to receive back the final hardcopy for inclusion in the Workshop Proceedings, and send the hardcopy off to me to reach me by *** 16th April, 2003 ***. These are HARD DEADLINES, and so you should ensure that you allow for late submission in your dates.

You should be aware that there is a strict page limit on the Workshop Proceedings. I do not have that limit at present, but it was 26 pages per four hour workshop last year. There may be additional space this year, but please stick to this limit for the present.

The layout guidelines for these submissions should follow those given for the main GECCO conference where possible. You should be aware that the copyright for the papers published in the Workshop Proceedings is kept by the author of the paper. If you do not expect that you will use the full page allocation for your papers, please let me know as soon as possible.

You should construct this call and publicise it (often via the 'standard' EC mail-lists) NOW.

On any announcements, please include the following so that recipients know the context and know where to go in order to get additional information on registration:

Part of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2003)
       Chicago on July 12 - 16 (Saturday - Wednesday), 2003

A recombination of the 8th Annual Genetic Programming Conference (GP-2003) and the 12th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms (ICGA-2003)

2. Sign the AAAI Form

You will be sent "Workshop Organizer Deadlines & Guidelines Agreement". You should fill that in and send it back to AAAI to reach AAAI by *** 12th December ***.

3. Invite Speakers / Panel Members

If you have invited speakers, or if you want to set up a Panel of invited guests, organise that now. You will then be able to publicise the workshop with many of the key details in place.

4. Create a WebPage / WebSite

I will go ahead and place a summary from your proposal onto the GECCO'2003 Workshops web page. However, this is only an outline of each workshop - your potential participants will need to be given more information.

For each workshop it is _very_ helpful for the participants if you (or one of your co-organizers) could put a webpage or website together. This should include the workshop title, contact details for the organizers of the workshop, the text of the workshop call that you put out, submission details, and any other information that potential participants may find useful. Please e-mail me the URL when this webpage/website is available so that we can link to it from the GECCO Workshop website. If you look at the GECCO-2003 website you will see the web-pages that were constructed last year.

5. Start to Organise a Panel of Reviewers

If your workshop is going to select presentations/posters/ papers, then you should organise a panel of reviewers. Of course, you should ensure that the review panel is likely to be fair and impartial! You should ensure that you have this in place BEFORE the deadline you set for workshop submissions is reached. Similarly, you should have your review process set up by this time.

6. Start to set up arrangements for further Publication

Many workshops arrange that full versions of the workshop papers/posters/abstracts and/or reports on the discussions in the workshop are published at a later date in a Journal or Special Issue. If you wish to do this, you should start to make arrangements now so that you can publicise this opportunity with your workshop details. If you would like to ask your presenters for electronic copy of their paper(s) or presentation(s) (PDF format preferred) then this may also be included on the conference CD-ROM.

Other organisational points are dependant upon the workshop itself, but in all cases you should aim to have a list of accepted papers/posters/abstracts to me by ***19th March, 2003*** and all hard-copy to me by ***16th April, 2003***. If your participants require VCR equipment for their presentations, then you should also get the VCR Request Form to me by ***16th April, 2003*** (you will be sent this form later).

Click here to see Instructions for Presenters

Key Diary Dates

December 13, 2002 Workshop Organizer Deadlines & Guidelines Agreement form
filled in and sent back to the AAAI. Fax to 650-321-4457 or mail to:

GECCO-2003 Workshops
445 Burgess Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025

March 19, 2003
Participant list due to Alwyn Barry at A.M.Barry@bath.ac.uk

April 16, 2003 Camera ready hard-copy of workshop material due to Alwyn Barry.
VCR requests due to Alwyn Barry.

Early June, 2003 Deadline for making hotel reservations. GECCO-2003 registration form should be submitted to AAAI.

Late June, 2003 Workshop Organizers notified of room assignments

July 12, 2003
Workshops at GECCO-2003

My contact information is:

  Dr Alwyn Barry,
   Room 1W2.29,
   Department of Computer Science,
   University of Bath,
   Bath, BA2 7AY,
   United Kingdom
   Tel  : +44 1225 384489           Fax  : +44 1225 383493
   Email: A.M.Barry@bath.ac.uk (e-mail preferred)

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

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Copyright ©, 2002-2003. GECCO. All rights reserved. USA. Web programming and design: Gerardo Valencia & Gabriela Coronado
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